
Welcome to the home of the Azure Proactive Resiliency Library (APRL).

This library is built with the intention of being a staging area for guidance and recommendations that can be used by customers, partners and the field in Well-Architected Framework reliability engagements/assessments; with the intent of the guidance and recommendations being promoted, once tested and validated with customers and partners, into the official Well-Architected Framework documentation.

The library also contains supporting Azure Resource Graph (ARG) queries that can help customers, partners and the field identify resources that may or may not be compliant with the guidance and recommendations. The intent for these queries, in the long-term, is to make them part of the Azure Advisor service.

Get Started

To get started head over to the Azure Services section and then navigate via the appropriate category to find guidance, recommendations alongside supporting Azure Resource Graph queries to help you discover compliant/non-compliant resources in your environment.

Definitions of Terms Used in APRL

In APRL you will see a number of terms used, like Preview & Verified. The below table provides the definition for each of these terms for clarity.


Please see the contribution guide here.