Azure Proactive Resiliency Library v2
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Create Recommendations

This section provides guidance on how to create new recommendations. The following requirements should be followed:

Adding New Recommendation

To contribute a new recommendation for an Azure resource, follow these steps:

  1. Locate the recommendations.yaml file within the directory corresponding to the Azure resource, Azure WAF design principle, or specialized workload you want to add a recommendation for.

  2. Open the recommendations.yaml file and copy the following YAML template:

    - description: Your Recommendation Title Here (less than 100 characters)
      aprlGuid: Generate a Unique GUID using
      recommendationTypeId: null
      recommendationControl: HighAvailability/Business Continuity/Disaster Recovery/Scalability/Monitoring and Alerting/Service Upgrade and Retirement/Other Best Practices/Personalized/Governance
      recommendationImpact: Low/Medium/High
      recommendationResourceType: Friendly name to identity resource type
      recommendationMetadataState: Active
      longDescription: |
        Your Long Description Here
        (less than 300 characters)    
      potentialBenefits: Potential Benefits of Implementing the Recommendation (less than 60 characters)
      pgVerified: false
      automationAvailable: false
      tags: []
        - name: Learn More
          url: "Link URL"
  3. Customize the placeholders with your recommendation’s specific details. See the Recommendation Structure section for more information on each key-value pair.

  4. Once you’ve added your recommendation, save the file.

  5. To test your changes, spin up your local hugo server by running the following command within your terminal:

    hugo server --disableFastRender
  6. Submit your changes by creating a pull request in the repository.

  7. That’s all! Your suggestion will be reviewed for potential inclusion in the Azure Proactive Resiliency Library.

  8. Questions or need assistance? Don’t hesitate to create a GitHub Issue for support.

If you encounter inconsistencies on the local version of the website that do not reflect your content updates, or errors unrelated to your changes, follow these steps:

  1. Press CTRL + C to terminate the Hugo local web server.
  2. Restart the Hugo web server by running hugo server --disableFastRender from the root of the repository.

Recommendation Structure

The YAML structure for adding new recommendations consists of several key-value pairs, each providing specific information about the recommendation. Below is a table that describes each key-value pair:

KeyExample ValueData TypeAllowed ValuesDescription
descriptionMonitor Batch Account quotaStringLess than 100 charactersSummarization of your recommendation
aprlGuid3464854d-6f75-4922-95e4-a2a308b53ce6String32-character hexadecimal stringThe unique identifier for the recommendation in the context of APRL and CXObserve. Generate a GUID for each new recommendation
recommendationTypeId3464854d-6f75-4922-95e4-a2a308b53ce6Stringnull until updated by the Azure Advisor teamThe unique identifier for the recommendation in the context of Advisor.
recommendationControlMonitoring and AlertingStringHighAvailability, BusinessContinuity, DisasterRecovery, Scalability, MonitoringAndAlerting, ServiceUpgradeAnd Retirement, OtherBestPractices, Personalized, Governance, SecurityResiliency category associated with the recommendation
recommendationImpactMediumStringLow, Medium, HighImportance of adopting the recommendation and/or the risk of choosing not to adopt
recommendationResourceTypeMicrosoft.Storage/storageAccountsStringAlign with the resource typeFriendly name to identity resource type
recommendationMetadataStateActiveStringActive, DisabledIndicates whether the recommendation is visible
longDescriptionTo enable Cross-region disaster recovery and business continuity, ensure that the appropriate quotas are set for all user subscription Batch accounts.StringThe length should be less than 300 charactersDetailed description of the recommendation and its implications
potentialBenefitsEnhanced data redundancy and boosts availabilityStringThe length should be less than 60 charactersThe potential benefits of implementing the recommendation
pgVerifiedfalseBooleantrue, falseIndicates whether the recommendation is verified by the relevant product group
automationAvailablefalseBooleantrue, falseIndicates whether automation is available for validating the recommendation
tags[AVD]String[AI-GTP-RAG, AVD, AVS, HPC, SAP] or []Indicates which type of specialized workload the recommendation is associated to if any
learnMoreLink- name: Learn More url: “ 1 link per recommendationLinks related to the recommendation, such as announcements or documentation

Recommendation Categories

Each recommendation should have one and only one associated recommendationCategory from this list below.

Recommendation CategorySummary
HighAvailabilityFocuses on ensuring services remain accessible and operational with minimal downtime.
BusinessContinuityInvolves strategies to maintain essential functions during and after a disaster, ensuring business operations continue.
DisasterRecoveryFocuses on restoring systems and data after catastrophic failures, ensuring quick recovery post-disaster.
ScalabilityInvolves techniques to handle changes in load and maintain system performance under varying conditions.
MonitoringAndAlertingConstant surveillance of system health, performance, and security, aiding in quick issue identification and resolution.
ServiceUpgradAndRetirementAddresses the planning and execution of system upgrades and the retirement of outdated services.
OtherBestPracticesEncompasses miscellaneous best practices that improve system resilience, efficiency, and security.
PersonalizedCustomized recommendations tailored to specific system requirements, configurations, or preferences.
GovernanceInvolves policies, procedures, and oversight for IT resource utilization. Ensures adherence to legal, regulatory, and compatibility requirements, while guiding overall system management. (Includes Compliance and Compatibility)

Writing a Meaningful Recommendation

When writing a recommendation, consider the following:

APRL recommendations are intended to enable and accelerate the delivery of Well Architected Reliability Assessments. The purpose of APRL is not to replace existing Azure public documentation and guidance on best practices.

Each recommendation should be actionable for the customer. The customer should be able to place the recommendation in their backlog and the engineer that picks it up should have complete clarity on the change that needs to be made and the specific resources that the change should be made to.

Each recommendation should include a descriptive title, a short guidance section that contains additional detail on the recommendation, links to public documentation that provide additional information related to the recommendation, and a query to identify resources that are not compliant with the recommendation. The title and guidance sections alone should provide sufficient information for a CSA to evaluate a resource.

Recommendations should not require the CSA to spend a lot of time on background reading, they should not be open to interpretation, and they should not be vague. Remember that the CSA delivering the WARA is reviewing a large number of Azure resources in a limited amount of time and is not an expert in every Azure resource.


  • Good recommendation: Use a /24 subnet for the resource
  • Bad recommendation: Size your subnet appropriately

Not all best practices make good APRL recommendations. If the best practice relates to a particular resource configuration and can be checked with an ARG query, it probably makes for a good APRL recommendation. If the best practice is more aligned to general architectural concepts that are true for many Azure resources or workload types, we very likely already have a recommendation in the APRL WAF section that addresses the topic. If not, consider adding a WAF recommendation to APRL. If neither is the case, APRL may not be the best location for this content.