Azure Proactive Resiliency Library v2
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SAP on Azure

Refer to:

  • Azure Center for SAP Solutions
  • Opensource Quality Checks
  • Openssource Inventory Checks

General Workload Guidance


RecommendationImpactCategoryAutomation AvailableIn Azure Advisor
Ensure that each SAP production system is designed for high availability across availability zonesHighHigh AvailabilityNoNo
Run SAP application servers on two or more VMs using VMSS FlexHighHigh AvailabilityNoNo
If using single-instance VMs all OS and data disks must be Premium SSD or Ultra DiskHighHigh AvailabilityYesYes
Ensure synchronous data replication (SYNC mode) between primary and secondary VM nodesHighHigh AvailabilityNoNo
Design SAP shared file systems for high availability, utilizing availability zones when possibleHighHigh AvailabilityNoNo
Test high availability solutions thoroughly to ensure fail overs work as expectedHighHigh AvailabilityNoNo
Remove unwanted location constraints from Linux Pacemaker clustersHighHigh AvailabilityNoNo
Secure compute resource capacity for critical VM roles in DR regionMediumDisaster RecoveryNoNo
Replicate production databases to DR location (ASYNC) using the vendor's replication technologyHighDisaster RecoveryNoNo
SAP components are backed up to DR location using an appropriate backup tool or ASRHighDisaster RecoveryNoNo
SAP shared files systems are replicated or backed up to DR locationHighDisaster RecoveryNoNo
Automate DR infrastructure build or pre-deploy DR resourcesMediumDisaster RecoveryNoNo
Document and test DR procedure ensure it meets RPO and RTO targetsMediumDisaster RecoveryNoNo
Ensure there is a robust monitoring and alerting solution in place for the entire DR solutionMediumDisaster RecoveryNoNo
Configure scheduled events notificationHighMonitoring and AlertingNoNo
Configure a Pacemaker cluster for SAP ASCS high availabilityHighHigh AvailabilityNoNo
Ensure the load balancer is configured correctly for SAP ASCS High availabilityHighHigh AvailabilityNoNo
Ensure the Pacemaker cluster has been setup for SAP HANA DB high availabilityHighHigh AvailabilityNoNo
Ensure the load balancer is configured correctly for SAP HANA DB High availabilityHighHigh AvailabilityNoNo
Review SAP configuration for timeout values used with Azure NetApp FilesHighHigh AvailabilityNoNo
Provision recommended storage configuration on database VMsHighScalabilityNoNo


Ensure that each SAP production system is designed for high availability across availability zones

Impact:  High Category:  High Availability

APRL GUID:  a9b649a5-2bfe-40ca-9b8f-34f9c71dfa12


Use Azure Availability Zones to protect SAP systems against data center failures. Ensure high availability by deploying across multiple zones. If deployment across zones isn't possible, refer to Microsoft's guidance for high availability options for SAP workloads.

Potential Benefits:

High availability for SAP systems
Learn More:
High Availability Deployment Options for SAP

ARG Query:

Click the Azure Resource Graph tab to view the query

// under-development

Run SAP application servers on two or more VMs using VMSS Flex

Impact:  High Category:  High Availability

APRL GUID:  49bd34ab-d117-4b0e-99f8-34cc8a5394bc


Use VMSS Flex to distribute VMs across zones and fault domains. Follow Microsoft's SAP workload recommendations for settings. If not using VMSS Flex or Availability Sets, consider migrating to VMSS Flex for improved resiliency. Refer to the provided blog post for migration details.

Potential Benefits:

Enhanced resiliency for SAP on Azure
Learn More:
Virtual machine Scale Set SAP Deployment Guide

ARG Query:

Click the Azure Resource Graph tab to view the query

// under-development

If using single-instance VMs all OS and data disks must be Premium SSD or Ultra Disk

Impact:  High Category:  High Availability

APRL GUID:  b60ae773-9917-4bca-8a42-7cb45365a917


For single-instance VMs, both OS and data disks must be either Premium SSD or Ultra Disk to achieve the single-instance SLA of 99.9% availability.

Potential Benefits:

Higher SLA of 99.9% with SSDs
Learn More:
SAP Storage Planning Guide

ARG Query:

Click the Azure Resource Graph tab to view the query

// Azure Resource Graph Query
// Find all single instance VMs that have an attached disk that is not in the Premium or Ultra sku tier.

| where type =~ 'Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines'
| where isnull(
| where isnotnull(properties.availabilitySet)
| extend lname = tolower(name)
| join kind=leftouter(resources
    | where type =~ 'Microsoft.Compute/disks'
    | where not(sku.tier =~ 'Premium') and not(sku.tier =~ 'Ultra')
    | extend lname = tolower(tostring(split(managedBy, '/')[8]))
    | project lname, name
    | summarize disks = make_list(name) by lname) on lname
| where isnotnull(disks)
| project recommendationId = "b60ae773-9917-4bca-8a42-7cb45365a917", name, id, tags, param1=strcat("AffectedDisks: ", disks)

Ensure synchronous data replication (SYNC mode) between primary and secondary VM nodes

Impact:  High Category:  High Availability

APRL GUID:  094400a5-f112-408d-a334-afd68873ff0f


High availability for databases should be implemented using database native replication technologies and the data should be replicated synchronously that is in SYNC mode from primary database to a stand-by node.

Potential Benefits:

Ensures high availability for SAP data
Learn More:
OpenSource Quality Checks

ARG Query:

Click the Azure Resource Graph tab to view the query

// under-development

Design SAP shared file systems for high availability, utilizing availability zones when possible

Impact:  High Category:  High Availability

APRL GUID:  e09ca960-20b7-4831-b85b-83ec84c1390e


SAP shared file systems such as /sapmnt, /usr/trans, interfaces should be made highly available.
In case of Azure File Shares, we recommend that you use ZRS (Zone-redundant storage) and for Azure NetApp Files use Zonal replication for your volumes.

Potential Benefits:

Enhanced data availability for SAP
Learn More:
OpenSource Inventory Checks

ARG Query:

Click the Azure Resource Graph tab to view the query

// under-development

Test high availability solutions thoroughly to ensure fail overs work as expected

Impact:  High Category:  High Availability

APRL GUID:  5663a808-56be-49ea-8d5c-c5dfc6925f76


Test high availability solutions thoroughly, including kernel panic in Linux VMs and fail-back. Ensure zonal failure scenarios for each SAP layer (database, central services, application servers, shared file systems) are zone redundant, meet RPO = 0, and fail over automatically within your RTO.

Potential Benefits:

Ensures SAP Azure's failover reliability
Learn More:
Test Cases

ARG Query:

Click the Azure Resource Graph tab to view the query

// under-development

Remove unwanted location constraints from Linux Pacemaker clusters

Impact:  High Category:  High Availability

APRL GUID:  1b8a3051-dfd4-4780-bfb7-446296774029


Use the migrate command in a Linux Pacemaker cluster to create a temporary "prefer" location constraint, moving a resource to a specified node for maintenance or testing. This constraint is temporary and should be removed after the task to revert to the original cluster configuration.

Potential Benefits:

Enhanced maintenance and failover handling
Learn More:
OpenSource Inventory Checks

ARG Query:

Click the Azure Resource Graph tab to view the query

// under-development

Secure compute resource capacity for critical VM roles in DR region

Impact:  Medium Category:  Disaster Recovery

APRL GUID:  820b4c0c-8a74-442a-8ba7-b0cb840cd983


Ensure compute resource availability for critical VM roles in a DR region using a warm standby approach or Azure's On-demand Capacity Reservation. Warm standby keeps VMs running in the DR region, while On-demand Capacity Reservation reserves compute capacity without running VMs.

Potential Benefits:

Guarantees DR region availability
Learn More:
Capacity Reservation

ARG Query:

Click the Azure Resource Graph tab to view the query

// under-development

Replicate production databases to DR location (ASYNC) using the vendor's replication technology

Impact:  High Category:  Disaster Recovery

APRL GUID:  fb8bdcee-d88f-408d-8572-a76a4aaa733b


Replicate production databases (ASYNC) to the DR location using the database vendor's replication technology.

Potential Benefits:

Enhanced DR resilience
Learn More:
SAP Disaster Recovery Guide

ARG Query:

Click the Azure Resource Graph tab to view the query

// under-development

SAP components are backed up to DR location using an appropriate backup tool or ASR

Impact:  High Category:  Disaster Recovery

APRL GUID:  41f0d88e-7866-4444-aac4-ef5fee3e6874


SAP components such as (A)SCS, application servers, WebDispatchers, etc are backed up to DR location using an appropriate backup tool or ASR.

Potential Benefits:

Ensures SAP data safety and recovery
Learn More:
SAP ACSS Insights

ARG Query:

Click the Azure Resource Graph tab to view the query

// under-development

SAP shared files systems are replicated or backed up to DR location

Impact:  High Category:  Disaster Recovery

APRL GUID:  ee4dc309-00a1-49fe-92fa-1724baf5f103


Implement robust monitoring and alerting for DR in SAP on Azure to cover its complex, multi-layer architecture. This is crucial for databases, services, applications, and shared systems.

Potential Benefits:

Enhances SAP DR oversight
Learn More:
DR Guidance

ARG Query:

Click the Azure Resource Graph tab to view the query

// under-development

Automate DR infrastructure build or pre-deploy DR resources

Impact:  Medium Category:  Disaster Recovery

APRL GUID:  0fabc52e-cdbb-4acd-8626-c4c637061e2d


Automate the build of disaster recovery (DR) infrastructure (or pre-deploy DR resources) and streamline SAP service recovery as much as possible.

Potential Benefits:

Faster SAP recovery, reduced downtime
Learn More:
DR Guidance

ARG Query:

Click the Azure Resource Graph tab to view the query

// under-development

Document and test DR procedure ensure it meets RPO and RTO targets

Impact:  Medium Category:  Disaster Recovery

APRL GUID:  c300e949-528d-4ac9-889b-cacf8b4a6e90


Document DR procedures for each SAP layer: database, central services, application servers, and shared file systems. Include configuration, failover mechanisms, and recovery steps. Test various failure scenarios to ensure the DR strategy meets RPO/RTO targets and provides seamless failover.

Potential Benefits:

Ensures robust DR, meets RPO/RTO
Learn More:
DR Guidance

ARG Query:

Click the Azure Resource Graph tab to view the query

// under-development

Ensure there is a robust monitoring and alerting solution in place for the entire DR solution

Impact:  Medium Category:  Disaster Recovery

APRL GUID:  c27134b7-6917-4852-8276-3dbef5c71578


Implement robust monitoring and alerting for SAP on Azure, covering DR for databases, central services, applications, and shared file systems. Given SAP's complexity, a comprehensive monitoring strategy is crucial for effective DR replication and rapid issue response.

Potential Benefits:

Improved DR oversight and rapid issue response
Learn More:
DR Guidance

ARG Query:

Click the Azure Resource Graph tab to view the query

// under-development

Configure scheduled events notification

Impact:  High Category:  Monitoring and Alerting

APRL GUID:  6b589ce6-c847-4cee-af35-f6e8eb1cf983


Scheduled events notify about upcoming maintenance (e.g., reboot) to limit disruption. Configure for all critical Azure VMs. Use the azure-events-az resource agent in Pacemaker clusters to monitor and react to events like Reboot and Redeploy, ensuring high availability.

Potential Benefits:

Proactive maintenance awareness
Learn More:
VM Scheduled Events

ARG Query:

Click the Azure Resource Graph tab to view the query

// under-development

Configure a Pacemaker cluster for SAP ASCS high availability

Impact:  High Category:  High Availability

APRL GUID:  9d8f6678-694c-4da4-8384-415201f65194


For the ASCS-Pacemaker (Central Server Instance), ensure that the Pacemaker cluster configuration parameters are correctly set up for SAP ASCS high availability.

Potential Benefits:

Enhances SAP ASCS uptime
Learn More:
ASCS-Pacemaker - Central Server Instance

ARG Query:

Click the Azure Resource Graph tab to view the query

// under-development

Ensure the load balancer is configured correctly for SAP ASCS High availability

Impact:  High Category:  High Availability

APRL GUID:  5c2e52d0-25be-4b1c-833c-b98b5ef1a26b


For the ASCS-LB (Central Server Instance), ensure that the load balancer is configured correctly for SAP ASCS high availability.

Potential Benefits:

Enhanced HA for SAP ASCS
Learn More:
ASCS-LB - Central Server Instance

ARG Query:

Click the Azure Resource Graph tab to view the query

// under-development

Ensure the Pacemaker cluster has been setup for SAP HANA DB high availability

Impact:  High Category:  High Availability

APRL GUID:  6648fe61-880d-4a96-8d2d-190a23d5580b


For the DBHANA-Pacemaker (Database Instance), ensure that the Pacemaker cluster configuration parameters are correctly set up for SAP HANA database high availability.

Potential Benefits:

Enhances SAP HANA DB uptime
Learn More:
DBHANA-Pacemaker - Database Instance

ARG Query:

Click the Azure Resource Graph tab to view the query

// under-development

Ensure the load balancer is configured correctly for SAP HANA DB High availability

Impact:  High Category:  High Availability

APRL GUID:  2e4c2171-a83f-4238-a8e3-b51c90d86a99


For the DBHANA-LB (Database Instance), make sure the load balancer is configured correctly for SAP HANA database high availability.

Potential Benefits:

Enhanced DB availability
Learn More:
DBHANA-LB- Database Instance

ARG Query:

Click the Azure Resource Graph tab to view the query

// under-development

Review SAP configuration for timeout values used with Azure NetApp Files

Impact:  High Category:  High Availability

APRL GUID:  4884cada-b9c7-42d5-8153-3853e4a6f6c4


Ensure high availability of SAP with Azure NetApp Files by setting proper timeout values to prevent disruptions. Review the documentation to confirm your configuration meets the recommended timeout values.

Potential Benefits:

Improve resiliency and performance of SAP on Azure
Learn More:
SAP on Azure NetApp Planning Guide

ARG Query:

Click the Azure Resource Graph tab to view the query

// under-development