Connect ExpressRoute gateway with circuits from diverse peering locations
Impact:HighCategory:High Availability
APRL GUID:d37db635-157f-584d-9bce-4f6fc8c65ce5
For improved reliability, each ExpressRoute gateway should connect to at least two circuits, with each circuit sourced from a different peering location. This setup ensures diverse connectivity paths, enhancing resilience and minimizing service disruption risks.
Potential Benefits:
Enhanced resilience through diverse connectivity paths
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//AzureResourceGraphQuery//ProvidesalistofExpressRouteGatewaysthatarenotconnectedtotwoormoreExpressRouteCircuits.Baremetalcircuitsareexcludedfromconsideration//Thisqueryassumesthattherunningentityhasvisibiltytothegateway,connection,andcircuitscopes.//Startwithafulllistofgateways(resources|wheretype==""|whereproperties.gatewayType=="ExpressRoute"|extendexrGatewayId=tolower(tostring(id))|joinkind=inner(resources|wheretype==""|whereproperties.gatewayType=="ExpressRoute"|extendexrGatewayId=tolower(tostring(id))|joinkind=leftouter(//connectionsjoinedwithcircuitpeerinforesources|wheretype==""|extendconnectionType=properties.connectionType|extendexrGatewayId=tolower(tostring(|extendpeerId=tolower(tostring(|extendconnectionId=tolower(tostring(id))|whereconnectionType=="ExpressRoute"|joinkind=leftouter(resources|wheretype==""//shouldthisbelocationinsteadofpeeringLocation|extendcircuitId=tolower(tostring(id))|extendpeeringLocation=tostring(properties.serviceProviderProperties.peeringLocation)|extendpeerId=tolower(id))onpeerId)onexrGatewayId//removebaremetalservicesconnections/circuits|wherenot(isnotnull(connectionId)andisnull(sku1))//groupbygatewayID's and peering locations
| summarize by exrGatewayId, peeringLocation
//summarize to connections with fewer than two unique connections
| summarize connCount = count() by exrGatewayId
| where connCount < 2) on exrGatewayId
| project recommendationId = "d37db635-157f-584d-9bce-4f6fc8c65ce5", name, id, tags, param1 = "twoOrMoreCircuitsConnectedFromDifferentPeeringLocations: false")
| union
| where type == ""
| where properties.gatewayType == "ExpressRoute"
| extend exrGatewayId = tolower(tostring(id))
| join kind=leftouter(
//connections joined with circuit peer info
| where type == ""
| extend connectionType = properties.connectionType
| extend exrGatewayId = tolower(tostring(
| extend peerId = tolower(tostring(
| extend connectionId = tolower(tostring(id))
| where connectionType == "ExpressRoute") on exrGatewayId
| where isnull(connectionType)
| project recommendationId = "d37db635-157f-584d-9bce-4f6fc8c65ce5", name, id, tags, param1 = "twoOrMoreCircuitsConnectedFromDifferentPeeringLocations: false", param2 = "noConnectionsOnGateway: true"
Use Zone-redundant ExpressRoute gateway SKUs
Impact:HighCategory:High Availability
APRL GUID:bbe668b7-eb5c-c746-8b82-70afdedf0cae
Azure ExpressRoute gateway offers variable SLAs based on deployment in single or multiple availability zones. To deploy virtual network gateways across zones automatically, use zone-redundant gateways for accessing critical, scalable services with increased resilience.
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Avoid using ExpressRoute circuits for VNet to VNet communication
Impact:MediumCategory:High Availability
APRL GUID:194c14ac-0d7a-5a48-ae32-75fa450ee564
While multiple VNets can connect via the same ExpressRoute gateway, Microsoft recommends using alternatives like VNet peering, Azure Firewall, NVA, Azure Route Server, site-to-site VPN, virtual WAN, or SD-WAN for VNet-to-VNet communication to optimize network performance and management.
ExpressRoute gateways are updated for improved functionality, reliability, performance, and security. Customer-controlled maintenance configuration and scheduling minimize update impact and align with your maintenance windows.
VPN gateways are updated for improved functionality, reliability, performance, and security. Customer-controlled maintenance configuration and scheduling minimize update impact and align with your maintenance windows.
Deploying zone-redundant virtual network gateways across availability zones ensures zone-resiliency, improving access to mission-critical, scalable services on Azure. Mission Critical workloads should use dual ExpressRoutes instead of VPN.
The active-active mode is available for all SKUs except Basic, allowing for two Gateway IP configurations and two public IP addresses, enhancing redundancy and traffic handling. Mission Critical workloads should use dual ExpressRoutes instead of VPN.
Deploy active-active VPN concentrators on your premises
Impact:HighCategory:Disaster Recovery
APRL GUID:af11fc4c-c06c-4f4c-b98d-6eee6d5c4c70
Deploying active-active VPN concentrators and Azure VPN Gateways maximizes resilience and availability using a fully-meshed topology with four IPSec tunnels. Mission Critical workloads should use dual ExpressRoutes instead of VPN.
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Monitor VPN gateway connections and health
Impact:HighCategory:Monitoring and Alerting
APRL GUID:9eab120e-f6d3-ee49-ba0d-766562ce7df1
Set up monitoring and alerts for Virtual Network Gateway health to utilize a variety of metrics for ensuring operational efficiency and prompt response to any disruptions. Mission Critical workloads should use dual ExpressRoutes instead of VPN.
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Enable VPN gateway service health
Impact:HighCategory:Monitoring and Alerting
APRL GUID:9186dae0-7ddc-8f4b-bea5-55538cea4893
VPN gateway leverages service health to inform users about both planned and unplanned maintenance, ensuring they are notified about modifications to their VPN connectivity. Mission Critical workloads should use dual ExpressRoutes instead of VPN.
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Deploy VPN gateways with zone-redundant Public IPs
Impact:HighCategory:High Availability
APRL GUID:4bae5a28-5cf4-40d9-bcf1-623d28f6d917
For zone-redundant VPN gateways, always use zone-redundant Standard SKU public IPs to avoid deploying all instances in one zone. This ensures the gateway's reliability. Mission Critical workloads should use dual ExpressRoutes instead of VPN.