Azure Proactive Resiliency Library v2
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RecommendationImpactCategoryAutomation AvailablePG Verified
Use at least the Enterprise SKUHighHigh AvailabilityYesPreview
Use replica sets for resiliency or geolocation in Microsoft Entra Domain ServicesHighHigh AvailabilityYesPreview


Use at least the Enterprise SKU

Impact:  High Category:  High Availability PG Verified:  Preview

APRL GUID:  bb6deb9d-24fa-4ee8-bc23-ac3ebc7fdf8e


You need to use a minimum of Enterprise SKU for your managed domain to support replica sets.

Potential Benefits:

The Enterprise SKU enables creation of replica sets.
Learn More:
Create and use replica sets for resiliency or geolocation in Microsoft Entra Domain Services

ARG Query:

Click the Azure Resource Graph tab to view the query

// Azure Resource Graph Query
// Gets Entry Domain Services that are using the Standard SKU
| where type == "microsoft.aad/domainservices"
| extend sku = properties.sku
| where sku =~ 'Standard'
| project recommendationId='bb6deb9d-24fa-4ee8-bc23-ac3ebc7fdf8e', name=name, id=id, tags=tags, param1=strcat('SKU:', sku)

Use replica sets for resiliency or geolocation in Microsoft Entra Domain Services

Impact:  High Category:  High Availability PG Verified:  Preview

APRL GUID:  a3058909-fcf8-4450-88b5-499f57449178


To improve the resiliency of a Microsoft Entra Domain Services managed domain, or deploy to additional geographic locations close to your applications, you can use replica sets.
You can add a replica set to any peered virtual network in any Azure region that supports Domain Services.

Potential Benefits:

The replica sets provide geographical resiliency.
Learn More:
Create and use replica sets for resiliency or geolocation in Microsoft Entra Domain Services

ARG Query:

Click the Azure Resource Graph tab to view the query

// Azure Resource Graph Query
// Gets Entry Domain Services that are using only one replicaSet
| where type == "microsoft.aad/domainservices"
| extend replicaSets = properties.replicaSets
| where array_length(replicaSets) < 2
| project recommendationId='a3058909-fcf8-4450-88b5-499f57449178', name=name, id=id, tags=tags, param1=strcat('replicaSetLocation:', replicaSets[0].location)