Azure Landing Zones Documentation
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Modifying the Management Group Hierarchy

You will need to have a custom library if you want to modify the management group hierarchy. Make sure you have completed that step before continuing.

To modify the management group hierarchy you can declare your own alz_architecture_definition file in your custom library. This file can be in either YAML or JSON format.

Here is an example architecture definition file in YAML format:

name: my custom architecture
  - id: my-root
    display_name: My Oaganizational Root Management Group
      - root
    parent_id: null # this means that the mg will be created at the parent as defined in the module configuration.
    exists: false
  - id: my-landingzones
    display_name: My Landing Zones Management Group
      - landing_zones
    parent_id: my-root
    exists: false

The above architecture would create two management groups, my-root and my-landingzones, with the root and landing_zones archetypes respectively. You must define the entire hierarchy in your architecture definition file.

Renaming Management Groups

To rename a management groups, please copy the default ALZ architecture definition from the Library into your local library.

Then we recommend that you change the value of the name field to something unique, this will help you identify your custom architecture definition.

Then you can rename the management groups as you wish.

Finally, in your ALZ module configuration, you can specify the architecture_definition variable to point to your custom architecture definition.

module "alz" {
  source  = "Azure/avm-ptn-alz/azurerm"
  version = "~> 0.10"

  architecture_name = "my custom architecture"

  # other variable inputs...