Azure Landing Zones Documentation
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Getting started

We recommend that you use the accelerator to deploy Azure Landing Zones with Terraform. This guide is for those that want to deploy Azure Landing Zones using the Terraform modules directly. This guide assumes that you are comfortable composing modules.

Add .alzlib to your gitignore

The Azure Landing Zones provider is used to process the landing zone library data and produce a coherent set of policy assets for deployment. The provider uses a local cache to store the library references. This cache is stored in a directory called .alzlib in your working directory. You should add this directory to your gitignore file to prevent it from being committed to your repository.

echo ".alzlib" >> .gitignore
Add-Content -Path .gitignore -Value ".alzlib"

Decide if you need a custom library

If you want to do any of the following, you will need a custom library:

Please follow the custom library guide if you need to create a custom library.

Supply Policy Assignment Default Values

The input variable policy_default_values is used to supply the same input values to multiple policy assignment parameters.

The available default values are documented in the Library, e.g. ALZ policy default values.

For each default, consider if you want to supply a value.

When supplying a value for parameters, you must use jsonencode({Value = "foo"}) to convert the value to a JSON string. This is to avoid issues with the Terraform type system.

E.g. to supply a default log analytics workspace id:

locals {
  subscription_id            = data.azapi_client_config.current.subscription_id
  resource_group_name        = "my-log-analytics-rg"
  resource_type              = "Microsoft.OperationalInsights/workspaces"
  resource_names             = ["my-log-analytics-workspace"]
  log_analytics_workspace_id = provider::azapi::resource_group_resource_id(

module "alz" {
  source  = "Azure/avm-ptn-alz/azurerm"
  version = "~> 0.10"

  # other variable inputs...

  policy_default_values = {
    log_analytics_workspace_id = jsonencode({ Value = local.log_analytics_workspace_id })
Due to constraints in Terraform, you should not supply computed values as inputs into the module. Instead use string interpolation to supply the values from the original inputs and use var.dependencies to ensure that resources are only created after the dependencies are created. See the module documentation.

Add Dependencies

Once you have supplied the default values, you can add dependencies to the module. This is a workaround for the issue where we cannot specify computed values as inputs to the module.

The dependencies variable is used to ensure that resources get created in the correct order.

E.g. to ensure that the log analytics workspace is created before the role assignments for policy:

# We use the ALZ Management module to create the log analytics workspace
module "alz_management" {
  source  = "Azure/avm-ptn-alz-management/azurerm"
  version = "~> 0.5"

  # other variable inputs...

# We cannot add a depends_on to the ALZ module as this causes the dreaded 'known after apply' issue with for_each, so we use the dependencies variable instead.
module "alz" {
  source  = "Azure/avm-ptn-alz/azurerm"
  version = "~> 0.10"

  # other variable inputs (including the policy_default_values)...

  dependencies = {
    policy_role_assignments = [

Review Policy Assignments

Azure Landing Zones contains Microsoft’s prescriptive guidance for getting started in Azure. We recommend leaving these policy assignments enabled unless you have a specific reason to disable them.

We recommend that you review the following policy assignments before deploying the module. If you do not use certain features or use have an alternative product, then you can disable the policy assignments.

To do this, please use the policy_assignments_to_modify variable to disable the policy assignments:


module "alz" {
  source  = "Azure/avm-ptn-alz/azurerm"
  version = "~> 0.10"

  # other variable inputs...

  policy_assignments_to_modify = {
    management_group_id = {
      "Policy-Assignment-Name" = {
        enforcement_mode = "DoNotEnforce"

DDoS Protection

Azure Landing Zones has a policy assignment called Enable-DDoS-VNET that enables DDoS protection on all in-scope virtual networks. It is assigned at the platform management group.

If you do not have a DDoS protection plan, you should disable this policy assignment, if you do not then virtual networks deployments in the platform management group will fail due to the default value for the DDoS protection plan resource id.

Private DNS Zones for Private Endpoints

If you do not use private endpoints for Azure services in your environment, you should disable the policy assignment called Deploy-Private-DNS-Zones that is assigned at the corp management group.

Azure Monitor Agent

If you use a third party monitoring solution, you should disable the following policy assignments at the landing_zones management group:

  • Deploy-VM-Monitoring
  • Deploy-VMSS-Monitoring
  • Deploy-VM-ChangeTrack
  • Deploy-VMSS-ChangeTrack
  • Deploy-MDFC-DefSQL-AMA

Additional Role Assignments

The Azure Landing Zones provider will correctly calculate the role assignments required for the policy assignments. This includes supporting resources that require role assignments outside of the assignment scope.

We do this by looking at the assignPermissions metadata property in the policy definition parameters. This flag indicates that a role assignment is required for the resource id passed into a parameter, as well as at the policy assignment scope.

Every policy that has this property will have a role assignment created for the policy assignment scope as well as at the scope of the resource id passed into a parameter that contains the assignPermissions metadata value of true.

This approach has the following advantages:

  1. Ensuring that role assignments are created at the most specific scope possible
  2. Ensuring that role assignments are created for all resources that require them
  3. Allowing these role assignments to be removed when the resource or the policy assignment is removed

However, there are some policies that do not have the assignPermissions metadata property set when it should be. This causes the policy to not have the correct role assignments created.

We are working with Azure product groups to remediate policies that do not have the assignPermissions parameter metadata set. If you spot an instance odf this, please raise a GitHub issue on our Enterprise-Scale repo.

In this case we must make manual role assignments, and we have listed these below:

Policy Assignment NamePolicy Assignment ScopeRole Definition NamesRole Assignment Scope
Deploy-AzSqlDb-AuditingLanding ZonesLog Analytics Contributor, SQL Security ManagerLog Analytics Workspace
Deploy-MDFC-DefSQL-AMALanding ZonesReader, Log Analytics Contributor, Monitoring Contributor, Managed Identity Contributor, VM ContributorPlatform
Deploy-MDFC-DefSQL-AMAPlatformReader, Log Analytics Contributor, Monitoring Contributor, Managed Identity Contributor, VM ContributorLanding Zones
Deploy-Private-DNS-ZonesCorpNetwork ContributorResource Group containing Private DNS Zones
Deploy-VM-ChangeTrackPlatformReader, Log Analytics Contributor, Monitoring ContributorLanding Zones
Deploy-VM-MonitoringLanding ZonesReader, Log Analytics Contributor, Monitoring Contributor, Managed Identity Contributor, VM ContributorPlatform
Deploy-VM-MonitoringPlatformReader, Log Analytics Contributor, Monitoring Contributor, Managed Identity Contributor, VM ContributorLanding Zones
Deploy-vmArc-ChangeTrackPlatformReader, Log Analytics Contributor, Monitoring ContributorLanding Zones
Deploy-vmHybr-MonitoringPlatformReader, Log Analytics Contributor, Monitoring Contributor, Connected Machine Resource AdministratorLanding Zones
Deploy-VMSS-ChangeTrackPlatformReader, Log Analytics Contributor, Monitoring Contributor, Managed Identity Contributor, VM ContributorLanding Zones
Deploy-VMSS-MonitoringLanding ZonesReader, Log Analytics Contributor, Monitoring Contributor, Managed Identity Contributor, VM ContributorPlatform
Deploy-VMSS-MonitoringPlatformReader, Log Analytics Contributor, Monitoring Contributor, Managed Identity Contributor, VM ContributorLanding Zones

Obtaining the Principal Ids

The ALZ module will output the principal ids required for the role assignments in the form of a map. The output name is called policy_assignment_identity_ids.

The map key is in the form of: mg_id/policy_assignment_name, and the value is the object id of the identity.