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Azure Landing Zones Documentation
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Terraform - Sovereign Landing Zone

The sovereign_landing_zone starter module provides full customization of the Sovereign Landing Zone (SLZ) using the inputs.yaml file. The inputs.yaml file provides the ability to enable and disable modules, configure module inputs and outputs, and configure module resources. A custom inputs.yaml file can be passed to the inputs argument of the ALZ PowerShell Module. This allows you to firstly design your Azure Landing Zone, and then deploy it.

The default inputs.yaml file will need to be modified based on the documentation below.

Example input files can be found here:

The following table describes the inputs for the sovereign_landing_zone starter module.

InputRequiredTypeDefault ValueDescription
allowed_locationsRequiredListThis is a list of Azure regions all workloads running outside of the Confidential Management Group scopes are allowed to be deployed into.
allowed_locations_for_confidential_computingRequiredListThis is a list of Azure regions all workloads running inside of the Confidential Management Group scopes are allowed to be deployed into.
az_firewall_policies_enabledBooleantrueSet to true to deploy a default Azure Firewall Policy resource if enable_firewall is also true.
apply_alz_archetypes_via_architecture_definition_templateBooleantrueThis controls whether to apply the ALZ archetypes (policy assignments) to the SLZ deployment.
bastion_outbound_ssh_rdp_portsList["22", "3389"]List of outbound remote access ports to enable on the Azure Bastion NSG if deploy_bastion is also true.
custom_subnetsMapSee inputs.yaml for default object.Map of subnets and their configurations to create within the hub network.
customerString"Country/Region"Customer name to use when branding the compliance dashboard.
customer_policy_setsMapSee the Custom Compliance section below for details.Map of customer specified policy initiatives to apply alongside the SLZ.
default_postfixStringPostfix value to append to all resources.
default_prefixRequiredStringslzPrefix value to append to all resources.
deploy_bastionBooleantrueSet to true to deploy Azure Bastion within the hub network.
deploy_ddos_protectionBooleantrueSet to true to deploy Azure DDoS Protection within the hub network.
deploy_hub_networkBooleantrueSet to true to deploy the hub network.
deploy_log_analytics_workspaceBooleantrueSet to true to deploy Azure Log Analytics Workspace.
enable_firewallBooleantrueSet to true to deploy Azure Firewall within the hub network.
enable_telemetryBooleantrueSet to false to opt out of telemetry tracking. We use telemetry data to understand usage rates to help prioritize future development efforts.
express_route_gateway_configMap{name: "noconfigEr"}Leave as default to not deploy an ExpressRoute Gateway. See the Network Connectivity section below for details.
hub_network_address_prefixCIDR“”This is the CIDR to use for the hub network.
landing_zone_management_group_childrenMapSee the Customize Application Landing Zones section below for details.
log_analytics_workspace_retention_in_daysNumeric365Number of days to retain logs in the Log Analytics Workspace.
ms_defender_for_cloud_email_security_contactEmailsecurity_contact@replaceme.comEmail address to use for Microsoft Defender for Cloud.
policy_assignment_enforcement_modeStringDefaultThe enforcement mode to use for the Sovereign Baseline Policy initiatives.
policy_effectStringDenyThe effect to use for the Sovereign Baseline Policy initiatives, when policies support multiple effects.
policy_exemptionsMapSee the Custom Compliance section below for details.Map of customer specified policy exemptions to use alongside the SLZ.
subscription_billing_scopeStringOnly required if you have not provided existing subscription IDs for management, connectivity, and identity.
tagsMapSee the Custom Tagging section below for details.Set of tags to apply to all resources deployed.
use_premium_firewallBooleantrueSet to true to deploy Premium SKU of the Azure Firewall if enable_firewall is also true.
vpn_gateway_configMap{name: "noconfigEr"}Leave as default to not deploy an VPN Gateway. See the Network Connectivity section below for details.

Custom Compliance

Custom Policy Sets

An example of the format for the customer_policy_sets map is as follows:

customer_policy_sets: {
  assignment1: {
    policySetDefinitionId: "/providers/Microsoft.Authorization/policySetDefinitions/d5264498-16f4-418a-b659-fa7ef418175f",
    policySetAssignmentName: "FedRAMPHigh",
    policySetAssignmentDisplayName: "FedRAMP High",
    policySetAssignmentDescription: "FedRAMP High",
    policySetManagementGroupAssignmentScope: "/providers/<MG-ID-SCOPE>",
    policyParameterFilePath: "./policy_parameters/policySetParameterSampleFile.json"

Policy Exemptions

An example of the format for the policy_exemptions map is as follows:

policy_exemptions: {
  policy_exemption1: {
    name: "globalexemption",
    display_name: "global",
    description: "test",
    management_group_id: "/providers/<MG-ID-SCOPE>",
    policy_assignment_id: "/providers/<MG-ID-SCOPE>/providers/microsoft.Authorization/policyassignments/enforce-sovereign-global",
    policy_definition_reference_ids: ["AllowedLocations"]

Customize Application Landing Zones

Landing Zone Management Group Children

An example of the format for the landing_zone_management_group_children map is as follows:

landing_zone_management_group_children: {
  child1: {
    id: "child1",
    displayName: "Landing zone child one"

Custom Tagging


An example of the format for the tags map is as follows:

tags: {
  Environment: "Production",
  ServiceName: "SLZ"

Network Connectivity

ExpressRoute Gateway Config

An example of the format for the express_route_gateway_config map is as follows:

express_route_gateway_config: {
  name: "express_route",
  gatewayType: "ExpressRoute",
  sku: "ErGw1AZ",
  vpnType: "RouteBased",
  vpnGatewayGeneration: null,
  enableBgp: false,
  activeActive: false,
  enableBgpRouteTranslationForNat: false,
  enableDnsForwarding: false,
  asn: 65515,
  bgpPeeringAddress: "",
  peerWeight: 5

VPN Gateway Config

An example of the format for the vpn_gateway_config map is as follows:

vpn_gateway_config: {
  name: "vpn_gateway",
  gatewayType: "Vpn",
  sku: "VpnGw1",
  vpnType: "RouteBased",
  vpnGatewayGeneration: "Generation1",
  enableBgp: false,
  activeActive: false,
  enableBgpRouteTranslationForNat: false,
  enableDnsForwarding: false,
  bgpPeeringAddress: "",
  asn: 65515,
  peerWeight: 5,
  vpnClientConfiguration: {
    vpnAddressSpace: [""]

Known Issues

The following are known issues with the Public Preview release for the SLZ.

Multiple Resources Destroyed and Recreated During Second Execution

Occasionally, terraform will attempt to recreate many resources under a subscription despite no resource configurations being changed. A temporary work around can be done by updating with the following:

locals {
  subscription_id_management   = "management_subscription_id"
  subscription_id_connectivity = "connectivity_subscription_id"
  subscription_id_identity     = "identity_subscription_id"

Multiple Inputs for Location

The inputs for bootstrap_location and starter_locations must be identical, using the first region in starter_locations as the default location. Therefore, starter_locations is required and must include at least one region. In a future release, we will have defaults and overrides for these values.

Terraform Plan or Apply Fails After Updating tfvars

Any updates should be made to the inputs.yaml file and the tfvars will be updated upon executing the Deploy-Accelerator PowerShell command.

Invalid Hub Network Address Prefix or Subnet Address Prefix

There is no validation done to ensure subnets fall within the hub network CIDR or that subnets do not overlap. These issues will be uncovered during apply.

Unable to Build Authorizer for Resource Manager API

It is necessary to rerun az login after creating subscriptions for terraform to pick up that they exist.

Unable to Update Address Prefixes

Updating the address prefix on either the hub network or subnets is not supported at this time.

Unable to Change Top Level or Sub Level Management Group Names

Modifying the Top Level or Sub Level Management Group name is not supported at this time.

Tags are Not Applied to All Resources

Certain resources are not receiving the default tags. This will be addressed in a future release.

Default Compliance Score is not 100%

Certain resources will show as being out of compliance by default. This will be addressed in a future release.

Further details on the Sovereign Landing Zone Starter Module

The Terraform-based deployment for the Sovereign Landing Zone (SLZ) provides an Enterprise Scale Landing Zone with equivalent compliance posture equal to that of our Bicep implementation. There is not currently a migration path between the two implementations, however multiple landing zones can be created with either deployment technology in the same Azure tenant.

High Level Design

Sovereign Landing Zone Starter Module
Sovereign Landing Zone Starter Module

Terraform Modules

alz-archetypes and slz-archetypes

The alz-archetypes and slz-archetypes are different from Terraform modules, but are used to deploy the management group hierarchy, policy assignments and management resources including the sovereign baseline policies. For more information on the archetypes, view the ALZ archetypes and the SLZ archetypes.


The subscription-vending module is used to deploy the subscriptions and move them within the right management group scopes. For more information on the module itself see here.


The hubnetworking module is used to deploy the hub VNET, Azure Firewall , Route Tables, and other networking primitives into the connectivity subscription. For more information on the module itself see here.

The private-link module is used to deploy default private link private DNS Zones. For more information on the module itself see here.


The alz-management module is used to deploy a set of management resources such as those for centralized logging. For more information on the module itself see here.


The resource-group module is used to deploy a variety of resource groups within the default subscriptions. For more information on the module itself see here.


The portal-dashboard module is used to deploy the default compliance dashboard. For more information on the module itself see here.


The azure-bastion module is used to deploy Azure Bastion for remote access. For more information on the module itself see here.


The firewall-policy module is used to deploy a default Azure Firewall Policy for further configuration. For more information on the module itself see here.


The ddos-protection module is used to deploy a Standard SKU DDoS Protection Plan resource for network security. For more information on the module itself see here.


The public-ip module is used to deploy a Azure Public IP resoures for offerings that need inbound public internet access such as the VPN and ExpressRoute Gateways. For more information on the module itself see here.


The networksecuritygroup module is used to deploy a default NSG for the Azure Bastion subnet to restrict ingress and egress network access. For more information on the module itself see here.