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10 - Remove a policy assignment

It may be simpler to change the enforcement mode of policy assignments rather than removing them altogether. See here for more information.

You may want to remove some policy assignments altogether. In order to do this they need to supply a lib folder to the accelerator.

The lib folder should contain the following structure (we are showing it nested under the standard accelerator file structure here):

$archetypes = $("connectivity", "corp", "decommissioned", "identity", "management", "landing_zones", "platform", "root", "sandbox")
foreach($archetype in $archetypes){
    $filePath = "c:\accelerator\config\lib\archetype_definitions\$($archetype).alz_archetype_override.json"
    New-Item -ItemType "file" $filePath -Force
    $policy_assignments = ((Invoke-WebRequest "$($archetype).alz_archetype_definition.json").Content | ConvertFrom-Json).policy_assignments
    $archetype_override = [ordered]@{
      name = "$($archetype)_override"
      base_archetype = $archetype
      policy_assignments_to_remove = $policy_assignments
    ConvertTo-Json $archetype_override -Depth 10 | Out-File $filePath -Force
$archetypes = $("connectivity", "corp", "decommissioned", "identity", "management", "landing_zones", "platform", "root", "sandbox")
foreach($archetype in $archetypes){
    $filePath = "/accelerator/config/lib/archetype_definitions/$($archetype).alz_archetype_override.json"
    New-Item -ItemType "file" $filePath -Force
    $policy_assignments = ((Invoke-WebRequest "$($archetype).alz_archetype_definition.json").Content | ConvertFrom-Json).policy_assignments
    $archetype_override = [ordered]@{
      name = "$($archetype)_override"
      base_archetype = $archetype
      policy_assignments_to_remove = $policy_assignments
    ConvertTo-Json $archetype_override -Depth 10 | Out-File $filePath -Force
┣ 📂config
┃ ┣ 📂lib
┃ ┃ ┗ 📂archetype_definitions
┃ ┃   ┃ 📜connectivity.alz_archetype_override.json
┃ ┃   ┃ 📜corp.alz_archetype_override.json
┃ ┃   ┃ 📜decommissioned.alz_archetype_override.json
┃ ┃   ┃ 📜identity.alz_archetype_override.json
┃ ┃   ┃ 📜management.alz_archetype_override.json
┃ ┃   ┃ 📜landing_zones.alz_archetype_override.json
┃ ┃   ┃ 📜platform.alz_archetype_override.json
┃ ┃   ┃ 📜root.alz_archetype_override.json
┃ ┃   ┗ 📜sandboxes.alz_archetype_override.json
┃ ┃ 📜inputs.yaml
┃ ┗ 📜platform-landing-zone.tfvars
┗ 📂output
The lib folder must be named lib, any other name will not work

The *.alz_archetype_override.json files content should be created based on the library archetypes found here.

By default we have added all the library policy assignments to the policy_assignments_to_remove array.

  1. You can now open each alz_archetype_override.json file in turn and delete any policy assignments you DO NOT wish to remove from the policy_assignments_to_remove array.
  2. If you don’t want to remove any policy assignments from a particular archetype, then you can just delete the whole file.

For example to remove just the Deploy-ASC-Monitoring policy assignment from the root management group archetype, the file would look like this:

  "name": "root_override",
  "base_archetype": "root",
  "policy_assignments_to_remove": [

Now, when deploying the accelerator you need to supply the lib folder as an argument with -starterAdditionalFiles.