.. _precautions: ============= Precautions ============= This section highlights some topics to consider when planning your |vfxt| cluster. .. index:: single: resource limits single: storage limits single: limits single: limits; storage |aws| resource limits ====================== To make sure your |vfxt| cluster has access to sufficient computing power, plan your installation to avoid exceeding any resource limits. Consider existing |aws| |ec2| instances and |ebs| storage currently in use in your account before attempting to create a |vfxt| cluster. Limits are imposed per account on a variety of resources, including :ref:`storage `, :ref:`instances `, and :ref:`buckets `. .. _storage_limits: Storage limits --------------- Storage on |ec2| instances uses `Elastic Block Store `__ (|ebs|) volumes. The |vfxt| uses |ebs| general purpose (gp2) SSD volumes. |aws| imposes `EBS volume limits `__ per account, including 5,000 |ebs| volumes and 20 TiB. Limits can be increased by `requesting a service limit increase `__. Each |vnode| requires a minimum amount of |ebs| storage during node creation. The amount of |ebs| storage needed depends on the selections made when creating the cluster. For example, if you try to create a three-node cluster with 7000 GB of storage per node, your cluster would require 21 TiB, which is over the 20 TiB limit. Note that these limits are *per account*. If there are other instances in the account using gp2 volumes, those volumes also count toward the 20 TiB limit even before the first |vfxt| instance is created. .. index:: single: instance limits single: limits; instances .. _instance_limits: Instance limits ------------------- There also are limits on the number of instances that can be created within an account. For |vfxt| instance types, the limits are 20 r4.2xlarge or r3.2xlarge instances; and 5 r4.8xlarge or r3.8xlarge instances. (These limits are for on-demand instances; reserved instance limits are 20 for both types.) For instance, you cannot create two three-node clusters with r4.8xlarge nodes within the same account unless you have received a service limit increase. .. index:: single: bucket limits single: limits; buckets .. _bucket_limits: Bucket limits ---------------- If your cluster uses S3 buckets as core filers, also note that there is a limit of 50 buckets per |aws| account. .. index:: single: cost single: account charges single: billing |aws| account charges ====================== |aws-full| charges are incurred for (but are not limited to) the following types of use: * Running |ec2| instances * |ebs| volumes (|ec2| storage), even when the machine is not running * S3 storage * Data transfer into and out of |aws| * Data transfer between availability zones if using a multi-AZ configuration |avere-sys| recommends that administrators monitor all |aws| charges and set up billing alerts. For more information, refer to `Amazon’s pricing page `__ as well as `Amazon’s documentation on monitoring estimated charges `__. .. index:: single: encryption single: key management Encryption key management ============================ After the |vfxt| cluster has been created, it is strongly recommended that you create a new cloud encryption key and save the key file before using your new cluster. Instructions for creating a new cloud encryption key can be found in the :ref:`settings:cloud_encryption_settings` section of the |ops|. .. index:: single: internet; exposure .. _internet_exposure: Internet exposure =================== |vnodes| require internet access, but they should not be directly exposed to the internet. .. caution:: |avere| |vnodes| are not hardened for direct internet access. The nodes must sit behind a firewall to protect them against attacks. This requirement also applies to any clients or servers within your network. Most |avere| customers use an |ec2|-based NAT instance to allow designated traffic to traverse public and private subnets within a VPC. Other customers extend their corporate network infrastructure to |aws| by using a VPN or |direct-connect|. Read :ref:`internet` for details about configuring NAT for your cluster VPC. .. include:: last_update_code.rst