========================= The vFXT platform ========================= The |avere| Virtual FXT Edge Filer (|vFXT|) leverages the scalability of cloud computing to make your data accessible when and where it's needed - even for data that's stored in your own hardware storage environment. Each |vfxt| edge filer node is a virtual machine that runs |os| software. |vnodes| can use multiple types of storage media including RAM, SSD, and magnetic media. Three or more nodes make up a |vfxt| cluster. In the |aws-first| environment, the |vnodes| are virtual machines created within the |ec2-first| using the |vfxt| |ami-first|. .. index:: single: instance types single: r3.2xlarge single: r3.8xlarge vFXT instance types ==================== An |ec2| *instance* is a virtual machine. |vnodes| are Amazon |EC2| virtual machines with the |Avere| |vFXT| |AMI|. |vnodes| in |aws| can be created from these supported instance types: .. instance types updated 04/2018 - trac 25664/trac 23995 +----------------+--------+--------------+-------------+-------------------------+ | Instance Size | vCPUs | Memory (GiB) | SSD Storage | Networking Performance | +================+========+==============+=============+=========================+ | r4.2xlarge | 8 | 61 | EBS only | Up to 10 Gigabit | +----------------+--------+--------------+-------------+-------------------------+ | r4.8xlarge | 32 | 244 | EBS only | 10 Gigabit | +----------------+--------+--------------+-------------+-------------------------+ | r3.2xlarge | 8 | 61 | 1 x 160 GB | High | +----------------+--------+--------------+-------------+-------------------------+ | r3.8xlarge | 32 | 244 | 2 x 320 GB | 10 Gigabit | +----------------+--------+--------------+-------------+-------------------------+ .. Note:: * r3 instances are not available in all regions (examples include eu-west-2 and ca-central-1). Contact |support| if this limitation applies to you. * Disk cache per node is configurable and can range from 1000GB to 8000GB. .. include:: last_update_code.rst