BCPNFR14 - Versioning

ID: BCPNFR14 - Category: Composition - Versioning

To meet SNFR17 and depending on the changes you make, you may need to bump the version in the version.json file.

    "$schema": "https://aka.ms/bicep-registry-module-version-file-schema#",
    "version": "0.1",
    "pathFilters": [

The version value is in the form of MAJOR.MINOR. The PATCH version will be incremented by the CI automatically when publishing the module to the Public Bicep Registry once the corresponding pull request is merged. Therefore, contributions that would only require an update of the patch version, can keep the version.json file intact.

For example, the version value should be:

  • 0.1 for new modules, so that they can be released as v0.1.0.
  • 1.0 once the module owner signs off the module is stable enough for it’s first Major release of v1.0.0.
  • 0.x for all feature updates between the first release v0.1.0 and the first Major release of v1.0.0.