Terraform Modules


The following table shows the number of all available, orphaned and planned Terraform Modules.

LanguageClassificationPublished 🟢 & 👀Proposed 🆕SUM 📇
Want to contribute to AVM Bicep modules?
#LabelsLink and description
1.Type: New Module Proposal 💡
Needs: Module Owner 📣
Language: Terraform 🌐
To become the owner of a new Terraform module, see all new Terraform modules looking for owners or check out the “Looking for owners” swimlane here.
2.Status: Module Orphaned 👀
Language: Terraform 🌐
To become the owner of an orphaned Terraform module, see all orphaned Terraform modules or check out the “Orphaned” swimlane here.
3.Needs: Module Contributor 📣 Language: Terraform 🌐To become a co-owner or contribute to a Terraform module, see all Terraform modules looking for contributors.

For more details on “What are the different ways to contribute to AVM?”, see here.