

The library implements core abstractions that can be used to authorize access to web APIs implemented in Giraffe or Suave with Azure Active Directory, as well as primitives to implement authorization for other servers.


Requesting Party

A user, a service principal (AD Enterprise Application) or a client (AD Application) acting on behalf of a user.

Resource Server

Suave or Giraffe server hosting the HTTP endpoints.

Roles and scopes

A role is a computed value based on the scope in the request for a token and returned by AD as a claim in the token. It can be an AD Role (role claim), an AD Application role (roles claim) or a plain scp scope - all of them will be evaluated by default.



  1. When building the application routes construct a PartProtector
  2. By default well-known URI of the AD authority will be contacted
  3. Retrieved the signing keys will be used later to verify tokens
  4. Requesting party requests a token, for example using assigned application roles
  5. Pass the resulting token along with the http request in Authorization header
  6. Pass the call to PartProtector.Verify - a WebPart that implements the validation
  7. PartProtector asks for demands given the context of the request
  8. Demand is a recursive data stucture, a simple single value can be captured in a Pattern
  9. PartProtector checks the token and if matches the claims to the demands
  10. If successful passes the validated token along into the user's WebPart
  11. If unsuccessful returns either auto-generated or user-specified WebPart for the error

For the Giraffe example walkthrough see the sample.

Contributing and copyright

The project is hosted on GitHub where you can report issues, fork the project and submit pull requests.

The library is available under MIT license, which allows modification and redistribution for both commercial and non-commercial purposes. For more information see the License file in the GitHub repository.

(c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.