AZSContinuationToken Class Reference

Inherits from NSObject
Declared in AZSContinuationToken.h


Represents a continuation token for listing operations on the service.

An instance of AZSContinuationToken will be returned as part of a Segmented Listing operation when there are more results to be enumerated on the service.

For example, here is a code snippet showing how to enumerate all containers on the service:

-(void)listAllContainersWithPrefix:(NSString *)prefix containerList:(NSMutableArray *)allContainers token:(AZSContinuationToken *)token completionHandler:(void (^)(NSError *, NSMutableArray *))completionHandler
    [self.blobClient listContainersSegmentedWithContinuationToken:token prefix:prefix containerListingDetails:AZSContainerListingDetailsNone maxResults:-1 completionHandler:^(NSError * error, AZSContainerResultSegment *resultSegment) {

        if (error != nil)
            completionHandler(error, allContainers);
            [allContainers addObjectsFromArray:resultSegment.results];
            if (resultSegment.continuationToken != nil)
                [self listAllContainersWithPrefix:prefix containerList:allContainers token:resultSegment.continuationToken completionHandler:completionHandler];
                completionHandler(error, allContainers);

And then call this method as such:

[self listAllContainersWithPrefix:self.containerName contanerList:[NSMutableArray arrayWithCapacity:10] token:nil completionHandler:^(NSError * error, NSMutableArray * results) {
    <continuation code>

Note that the above sample is unsafe to use in the general case, as there is no upper bound for the number of containers in a storage account.